Earlier in the school year we asked our learners a simple question: “What are you interested in outside of school?” That simple question garnered hundreds of different and unique responses. We then sifted through all of their answers and tried to find experts and professionals in the area that would be willing to share their knowledge with our learners here at Freedom. We were so fortunate to be paired with representatives from KSFY News and Weather, Great Plains Zoo, Outdoor Campus, Great Bear Ski Valley, Sanford Health, Rainbow Trading Cards, Tiger Rock Martial Arts, Sioux Falls Swim Club, Fonder Sewing, Makers Nook, and Southeastern Electric. We also had a veterinarian, computer programmer, and hair stylist share about their professions.
Our 275 learners picked their top three choices and we then paired them up with one of our 14 different presenters. Last week we invited our knowledgeable guests to Freedom to share about their profession, do hands-on activities, and answer any questions from their young audience. We are so thankful for our special guests for sharing their talents, time, and expertise with our learners. Hopefully this planted a seed for our next veterinarian, computer programmer, or engineer!