The District has added nearly 300 NEW students since last year! It is crucial to have accurate student enrollment numbers in order to hire enough staff and create schedules for students and teachers. PLEASE REGISTER YOUR CHILD NOW for the upcoming school year. Every registration counts! THANK YOU and welcome to HSD!
over 2 years ago, Harrisburg School District
register now
NOTICE OF DESTRUCTION OF INFORMATION The Harrisburg School District has determined that the personally identifiable Special Education documents that had been collected, maintained, or used for providing educational services for students that have graduated, left district or are no longer receiving services prior to 2017 will be destroyed on August 1, 2022. The following applicable Special Education records or documents will be destroyed: Psychological Evaluation, Educational Assessments, Occupational Therapy Assessments, Speech/Hearing/Language Assessments, Physical Therapy Assessments, Preschool Assessments, Medical Information, Prior Notices Multidisciplinary Team Reports, Classroom Observation Reports, Referral Forms, Classroom Teacher Reports, Behavioral Assessments, Agency Progress Reports, Individualized Education Plans If you would like to receive any of the above-mentioned items please call the Special Education Director’s office – 743-9028 prior August 1, 2022, to arrange a convenient time to obtain them. IF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT DOES NOT RECEIVE A RESPONSE THE ITEMS WILL BE DESTROYED.
over 2 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Our landscapers are making good progress on our outdoor classroom! They plan to finish the middle paver section in a day or two before moving on to the raised seating area and the pathway. We cannot wait to see how it turns out!
over 2 years ago, Kyle Knips
Outdoor Classroom
Outdoor Classroom
Outdoor Classroom
Work has begun on our new outdoor classroom! The landscaping crew is excavating the area and prepping the surface this week with plans to start installing pavers next week. We'll keep you posted on their progress. The whole project will be completed prior to the start of school!
over 2 years ago, Kyle Knips
Outdoor Classroom
Outdoor Classrom
Outdoor Classrom
Come and see the HHS Drama Club's Summer Performing Arts production of Descendants the musical! Shows are June 24 @ 7PM, and June 25 @ 2PM and 7PM. Tickets are available for purchase at the door. See you at the show!
almost 3 years ago, HHS Drama Club
The class of 2029 walked down the long Freedom hallway for the last time this afternoon as elementary students. These kids will do great things, and we look forward to hearing about their future successes!
almost 3 years ago, Kyle Knips
And just like that, another school year has come and gone. We are so proud of your children this year - their academic growth, persistence through tough tasks, kindness toward others, and dedication to school. Click on the link to view our annual year-end video to celebrate and say farewell to the 2021-2022 school year. Have a fun, safe, and relaxing summer. We'll see you in the fall!
almost 3 years ago, Kyle Knips
Do you recognize these Freedom Alumni? They are graduating this year! Congratulations! Go Change the World!
almost 3 years ago, Freedom - Dr. Pederson
Freedom 2022 Alumni
A reminder there will be a 2-hour Early Release tomorrow, May 19th, for the Last Day of School. Have a safe summer, Tigers! 🐾😎
almost 3 years ago, Harrisburg School District
last day
While free meals for all students were a welcome relief during the pandemic, these benefits will end at the of this school year. When the pandemic hit, the federal government funded a program that allowed all students—even those who were not previously eligible—to receive free meals. However, recently they have declined to continue funding this program. If your child qualifies for free or reduced meals, they can still receive them, but you must take action to make it happen! If you are concerned that you may not be able to afford school meal prices, we urge you to fill out an application for free or reduced meal benefits as soon as possible. You can find a copy of this application on our website or contact Chris Beach, Child Nutrition Director. The process is simple and can be done online, but Chris is happy to answer any questions you may have. The District is always available to support families, so think about what option is best for you, and let us know if there is any way we can assist.
almost 3 years ago, Harrisburg School District
end of free meals in may
Former Freedom students from the graduating class of 2022 stopped by today for our annual Senior Walk. We are so proud of all they have accomplished. Check out the video to see one last stroll down the Freedom halls.
almost 3 years ago, Kyle Knips
TONIGHT is the last night to get donations for our Fun Run! We have raised just over $26,000 for our school. Let's see if we can get to $30,000 by tomorrow morning! The weather looks perfect tomorrow for the run. Please check out the attached flyers for more information about race times, what learners need to bring, and where you can go to cheer on your child. Thank you for your support in raising funds for our school. Our outdoor classroom will be built in June; we can't wait to share pictures!
almost 3 years ago, Kyle Knips
Fun Run
Thanks to all of YOU, we have raised over $20,000 for our school! Pledging is still open all week, so let's keep going strong! The Freedom Fun Run race is schedule for this Friday, May 13th. Feel free to stop by and cheer on your runner! Please check out the two attachments for race times, reminders, and a map of our course.
almost 3 years ago, Kyle Knips
Fun Run Schedule/Map
We are three days into our Fun Run pledging and we have raised just over $5,500! If you haven't done so already, please visit and register your child and share the link to family and friends. Any class with over 85% registration will get to have a hat/crazy hair day this Friday. We'll notify the qualifying classes tomorrow afternoon! Keep up the pledging!
almost 3 years ago, Kyle Knips
Hat/Crazy Hair Day
Parents and Families, Today we had an EXCITING Kickoff for our fundraising program! Thanks in advance for all of your help! The first step is to register your learner on MYBOOSTER.COM by searching for our Freedom Fun Run. After that, please support us by sharing your child's donation link with family and friends. Your child should be bringing home a Giving Guide today to learn more about our fundraiser. The main event will be Friday, May 13th! Our ultimate goal is $40,000, but we have various incentives along the way. Take a look at the flyer for the complete breakdown.
almost 3 years ago, Kyle Knips
Fun Run School Incentives
The last day of school will be a TWO HOUR EARLY RELEASE on Thursday, May 19th.
almost 3 years ago, Harrisburg School District
last day of school
Parents and families, our official Freedom Fun Run kickoff is on Monday, May 2nd!!! Our theme this year is Sports City WORLDWIDE so have your child wear a jersey or any other sports-themed clothing. More details will come home Monday about the run, how to pledge, and other important information.
almost 3 years ago, Kyle Knips
Jersey Day
Active COVID Cases Snapshot: HHS : 1-3, North Middle School : 0, South Middle School : 0, Adventure Elementary : 0, Endeavor Elementary : 0, Explorer Elementary : 0, Freedom Elementary : 1-3, Horizon Elementary : 0, Journey Elementary : 0, Liberty Elementary :0
almost 3 years ago, Harrisburg School District
The Freedom, Horizon, and Liberty Band students will be taking the HHS stage for their concert on April 28 @ 7 PM. Hope to see you there!
almost 3 years ago, Harrisburg Fine Arts
The Freedom Fun Run is back by popular demand! This will be our 3rd fundraising race. There will be a different theme and character counts videos, but the format is the same. Learners gather pledges from family and friends based on how many laps they run during our Fun Run. Parents are welcome to attend this year, so mark your calendar for May 13th! A race schedule will come out closer to the event date. Stay tuned!
almost 3 years ago, Kyle Knips
Fun Run 2022