The Distance Learning (Smore) link will be the same each week. It can be accessed on your school's webpage or through Welcome to Week 2! 🍎
almost 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
The six elementary schools will be doing another pick-up of materials on Friday, April 3rd. Instructional materials along with items from lockers and desks will be sent home on Friday from 11:00-6:00. Please come to your child’s elementary school between 11-6 on Friday, April 3rd to pick up your child’s books, workbooks and personal items. The Distance Learning Smore site for week 2 of learning will be sent to you on Monday.
almost 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Art shows that were previously scheduled at some of our elementary schools in April are canceled. 🎨
almost 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
✅ Impact your Community. Shape the Future. Complete the Census! ‣ School lunches. 🍎 ‣ Plans for highways. 🛣 ‣ Support for firefighters and families in need. 🚒 👉🏼 Census results affect your community every day.
almost 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
🚨 Don't forget! Lunches are now being distributed throughout the district. 👉🏼 NMS | Explorer | Freedom | Horizon | Journey | Liberty ⏰ 11 AM - 1 PM 🗓Monday - Friday
almost 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
New Lunch Locations
📩 Several email hosting companies are implementing additional filtering mechanisms due to the increase in COVID-19-related spam and phishing emails.  🔵 This is especially true with high quantities of recipients on a single email such as district communication emails.  It is important to allow both  and in the settings of your email account in order to receive district communications via email.  🔵 Here is a link to this process for popular email accounts: 🔵 If you are sure these emails have been whitelisted in your email account, please contact to verify your contact information.
almost 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
⏰ Grab & Go Breakfast & Lunches All Week 11 AM - 1 PM
almost 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
We will start our distance learning journey tomorrow. Below is a link to what is called a Smore, similar to a webpage, that has learning boards for grades JrK through 5th grade. The learning boards have activities and lessons for Wed.-Fri. of this week. Each week a new Smore with new learning boards will be sent to you. If you have any questions about the learning boards or can’t access the Smore or links to the learning boards, please contact your child’s teacher or school.
almost 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
The Governor has requested schools to remain closed through May 1st.  The Harrisburg School District will comply with this request. Distance learning will begin Wednesday, March 25th and continue through May 1st. We are excited to announce that three additional Grab & Go meal sites will be opening on Thursday, March 26th!  Meals can now be picked up from Liberty, Freedom, Explorer, North MS, Journey and Horizon.   Pick up times will continue to be from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM and will be open Monday through Friday.
almost 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Today is the day! We will be at Freedom from 11:00am to 6:00pm for parents (no learners) to pick up materials! 11 - 2 please use the bus drive thru only. 2 - 6 you may use the bus and front entrance (due to lunch pick up). This is curbside pick up! There is limited access to the building. See you soon!!
almost 5 years ago, Freedom - Dr. Pederson
Pick up
Pick up
🚩 The Harrisburg School District will remain closed, at a minimum, until Tuesday, April 14, 2020.  Distance Learning, beginning Wednesday, March 25, will continue through Thursday, April 9, 2020.  Per the District Calendar, Friday, April 10 and Monday, April 13 are scheduled days off for Easter break.  Should the Governor recommend a longer closure, Harrisburg School District will follow as recommended. 🐾 🚩We ask all to continue to practice social distancing.  Health professionals believe we will be at greatest risk for community spread of the virus in the coming days.  The following link provides information regarding the virus and its impact on children.
almost 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
🔴 Grab & Go Breakfast and Lunches ⚪️ Monday - Friday, 11 AM - 1 PM 🔵 Explorer | Freedom | Horizon All Harrisburg District Students Welcome to Pick Up a Meal! 🐾
almost 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Grab & Go Breakfast & Lunches
💐 🌷𝙃𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮 𝙎𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜! 🌹🌺
almost 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Check correspondence from your schools' principal regarding pick up procedures for tomorrow! 🐾
almost 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Pick Up Day
Over 30+ Freedom staff staying connected and discussing distance learning this morning! We’re all in this together! #funschool #wemissyou
almost 5 years ago, Freedom - Dr. Pederson
Per Governor Noem’s pre-emptive approach to the COVID-19 outbreak, schools across the state will be closed the week of March 23 – 27. #TigerStrong
almost 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
We will continue to offer Grab & Go breakfast and lunches next week at Freedom, Explorer and Horizon every day from 11 AM to 1 PM. We served DOUBLE our numbers today over yesterday! #TigerStrong🐾 Details can be found here:
almost 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
grab and go breakfast and lunch
All district events have been cancelled through April 6th, including kindergarten assessments, extracurricular events and performances. In the event the district is open next week, we will continue to limit outside individuals from entering the building, including lunch visits and parent volunteers. You may have seen or received some previously scheduled posts through PeachJar or via social media in recent days. We apologize for any confusion that may have caused.
almost 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
The Harrisburg Child Nutrition Department is expanding its hours to the hours in which free meals will be offered to students.  We will now be open from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. 🐾Grab and Go breakfast and lunches are available at Freedom, Explorer and Horizon: • Tuesday – 3/17        11:00 AM to 1:00 PM • Wednesday – 3/18   11:00 AM to 1:00 PM As we are using Federal funds to provide these meals there are rules that we must abide by. • Only K-12 students enrolled at Harrisburg are allowed to pick up a meal. • Students can go to any of the three locations to pick up meal.  They do not need to attend that location to get a meal. • The student must be present to pick up a meal. • Each student is allowed to pick up one (1) lunch meal for that day and one (1) breakfast meal for the following day. • You must take a milk with each meal.
almost 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Enjoy the long weekend, Tigers! ☘️
almost 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
no school