Attention Harrisburg Families! The Harrisburg School District can offer some assistance to those affected by the recent tornado and storm. If you have been displaced from your home, please contact Tanya Rasmussen at 605-743-2567 ext. 3023 to determine what assistance can be offered. Harrisburg families can fill out a free and reduced meal application form at any time during the school year. If your income has recently changed as result of the storms, you can fill out our online free and reduced meal application located in the Campus Parent Portal. If you have any question or have difficulty with accessing the form please contact Chris Beach at 605-743-9031. #TigerStrong
The Harrisburg School District is an equal opportunity provider.

Homecoming this year is the week of 9/30-10/04! Here are the dress up days this year.

This learner thought the 40 book challenge would be hard but he already finished one book!! #wildreaders

Due to last night's storm, there will be a TWO-HOUR LATE START today, Wednesday, September 11th. Be safe, Tigers! 🐯 #TigerStrong

It's Day 2 of Arts in Education Week in Harrisburg! 🎨👩🏻🎨🐯❤️

🐯It's almost that time! If you are interested in registering your float in our Homecoming Parade on October 4th, please READ ALL DETAILS and fill out the linked form.
Announcements about the parade itself will be made available after Tiger Bowl.

It's the first day of Arts in Education Week! We'd like to thank all the Fine Arts staff who give our students opportunities to be creative and express themselves along with our general ed teachers who incorporate the arts into their daily lessons. 🎭🖼🎵❤️ #ArtEdWeek

Meeting of the Minds in First Grade! First Grade gathers together once a month for a team meeting. Today they focused on the Habit of Mind-Responding with Wonderment and Awe! Learners were encouraged to ask questions, be curious and appreciate how things work!

A reminder there will be no school on Monday, September 2nd. Enjoy the Labor Day Weekend! 🇺🇸🐯

This kindergartner earned 2 pawsitive notes today! One for being a great listener and one for being kind to her friends! She earned the #goodnewscall

He got caught stealing reading time today!! Did you know reading helps learners develop their imagination! By reading, you are painting pictures of the story in your mind. Books can take you anywhere you want to go! Reading exposes you to so many wonderful things!

This learner is new to Freedom and he is rocking his testing! Mrs. Ramstad said he is a hard worker, always listening and following directions. He is a great addition to our school!!! #goodnewscall

This learner got caught stealing reading time! He just started the Harry Potter series!!

Mr. Franken nominated this young lady for the #goodnewscall. She has gone above and beyond to welcome a new learner to Freedom!

Kindergarten was on the move today touring the school! In the office they met Miss Jen, Dr. Pederson and Nurse Laura!

Freedom Fun Run coming soon!

Freedom is encouraging learners to “steal reading time” throughout their day. We want learners to take every opportunity to sneak in reading time! We are also encouraging 20 minutes of reading each night at home! Look who got caught sneaking reading time today!

Encouraging words on learners lockers to start the week! Motivational Monday!

Freedom Families- We will be following indoor arrival procedures this morning due to rain. Please drop off your learners at the front door, they will line up inside. Look for the plastic green child sign to indicate inside recess before school due to rain or cold.

There's an app for that! 📱Download the HSD app from your app store. Search 'Harrisburg, SD' and look for the Tiger logo. 🐯