Harrisburg Elementary & Middle School Parents and Guardians: Join us for Harrisburg Family EdCamp on Saturday, October 27 from 8a-12p at South Middle School. This FREE event is designed to support parents and strengthen families through sessions offered by the Harrisburg District Staff and community partners. Sessions will center on supporting learners at home in reading and math, providing safeguards for families in an increasingly digital world, managing life's demands with a busy family, working through difficult behaviors at home, and many others! A complete session guide will be made available next week. Breakfast and childcare are available to participants at no cost AND we will have lots of fabulous door prizes thanks to the generous donations of area businesses and organizations that value strong families. We ask that all participants register for a FREE ticket through this link to help us plan for breakfast and sessions. http://bit.ly/FamilyEdCamp We look forward to seeing you at the Inaugural Harrisburg Family EdCamp!
over 6 years ago, Jen Balster
FREE Flu Shot Clinic for all students in the Harrisburg School District - 11/14 from 4-8pm! Please see Tiger Tuesday flyers for more information!
over 6 years ago, Jen Balster
Get dressed up in your Halloween Costume and join us for the HHS Boo Bash on Friday, October 26, from 6-7:30pm.
over 6 years ago, Jen Balster
Boo Bash
Freedom Shirts Delivery Update
over 6 years ago, Kyle Knips
Freedom Shirt Delivery Update
Conferences are tomorrow from 2pm - 8:30pm. No School tomorrow, Friday, and Monday. We will see you Tuesday, October 9th!
over 6 years ago, Jen Balster
No School
Freedom PTO Box Tops for Education Contest starts now! Please check the documents page with Tiger Tuesday Flyers for more information!
over 6 years ago, Jen Balster
Box Tops contest
We are celebrating our "Paws"itive Award and Tiger on Track learners for the month of September! The Tiger on Track learners demonstrated the Habit of Mind of "Responding with Wonderment and Awe"
over 6 years ago, Jen Balster
"Paws"itive Award Winners and Tiger on Track
Pawsitive and Tigers on Track
Infinite Campus has released some new apps for Parents & Students! http://harrisburgdistrict41-2.org/article/64295?org=district
over 6 years ago, Jen Balster
over 6 years ago, Jen Balster
Bond election
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! Freedom Elementary Conferences are coming up on Oct. 4! We are looking for some AMAZING volunteers to help at the Book Fair. Please click the link below and sign up today! Thank you!! Without volunteers, we will not be able to hold this event. Our learners and facilitators benefit so much from this event. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0c48a4aa2aa7f58-book2
over 6 years ago, Jen Balster
Tomorrow is an Early Release Day - so we will get out of school at 12:00pm!
over 6 years ago, Jen Balster
We've got spirit, yes we do, we've got spirit, how 'bout you?! This year Freedom Elementary wants every learner to wear our new Freedom Tigers shirt to help foster a sense of community. Order online now! All orders will be shipped to our school. https://tinyurl.com/FreedomShirts
over 6 years ago, Kyle Knips
Freedom T-Shirt
Kindergarteners learned all about the color blue this week!
over 6 years ago, Jen Balster
Kindergarten Blue
Please complete the google doc that tells us your learner's way of getting home as well as conference preference times ASAP! Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdzhR_fGJS4XD0DvO-BhCaUMFx5B14YShcjD4ZEzW5kZNCGQw/viewform
over 6 years ago, Jen Balster
Back by popular demand - Lunch Menus! Visit the Child Nutrition Link at the top of your school's webpage.
over 6 years ago, JoAnne VerMulm
Lunch Menus Available
HHS Drama Club Presents: Tiger Varieties 2018!!! Come support the talented cast & crew on Monday, September 10 @ 6 PM in the HHS PAC. Tickets are available at the door.
over 6 years ago, Amanda Berg
Variety Show Poster
School Picture Day is this Friday! Don't forget to come to school, looking and smiling your best!
over 6 years ago, Jen Balster
Harrisburg School District Early Childhood Screening - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080e4faaaf2da3fe3-harrisburg1 Birth - Age 2 Developmental Screening www.SignUpGenius.com/go/5080E4FAAAF2DA3FE3-harrisburg2
over 6 years ago, Freedom Elementary
ECD Screening
Did you know? Lunch Menus can be found on our App under the Dining Section!
over 6 years ago, Freedom Elementary
Lunch Menu Example
Don't forget to download our new HSD app! Under Settings, Subscribe to your elementary and "Harrisburg School District" for school and district notifications. iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/harrisburg-sd/id1326346609?ls=1&mt=8 Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apptegy.harrisburg
over 6 years ago, Freedom Elementary
We're Mobile!