Our first annual Freedom Penny War wrapped up this morning; our learners raised over $2,500 for our school! Congratulations to the top 3 earning classes. Your class gift cards will be handed out by our PTO tomorrow. Thank you to all that contributed to the cause. It just goes to show that even a penny can make a difference!

Join us FRIDAY for our annual Glow Dance! Please note, parent supervision is required.

We'd like to introduce everyone to Ms. Fox, our new student success facilitator! Her main focus will be working with learners and families on school attendance and helping bridge the gap between home and school. She will be splitting her time between Liberty and Freedom.

Today was our annual Learner Interest Day for grades 2nd-5th at Freedom. 12 presenters shared their passion and expertise on various topics. Head over to our Freedom Facebook Page for the full album! https://www.facebook.com/HSDFreedom

The Freedom PTO is organizing a "Stock the Lounge" sign-up for our Freedom staff. If you'd like to participate, please click on the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0C48A4AA2AA7F58-stock1
All items can be dropped off in the office by January 30th.

Some incoming calls continue to experience issues getting through to the District. We are being told this may be a cell provider issue, specifically those who subscribe to Verizon or their affiliate companies. Please email your administrative assistant if you are unable to reach the District. https://bit.ly/3WvjRay

‼️ There will be a 2-Hour Late Start in Harrisburg School District today, Thursday, January 19. 🚌 BUSES WILL RUN WHERE POSSIBLE.. No breakfast will be served, and there will be no before-school childcare.

There will be a 2-Hour Late Start tomorrow, Thursday, January 19th. Buses will run two hours late. No breakfast will be served, and there will be no before school childcare. Weather conditions will be assessed again in the morning.

Our Freedom PTO is organizing a Penny War! This isn't something we've done before, so teachers will give an overview to their classes today. The winning class will receive a $100 gift card that can be used for items of their choice for their classroom! Please check out the flyer for more details. Learners can start bringing in spare coins tomorrow. The contest runs until February 1st. Thank you for supporting our school and PTO!

🐾 Do you have a child who will be five (5) on or before September 1, 2023? ⭐️‼️ JK/KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW OPEN! ‼️⭐️ Visit https://bit.ly/HSDKinderReg to register and for more information. 👍 Like & Share ↪️ to spread the word!

REGISTRATION IS CLOSING. This is your last chance to get on the roster! Learn the basics of football including positions, rules and terminology from HHS's Coach Brandon White Wednesdays starting January 18th! https://bit.ly/3G9RdH2

Next Tuesday, January 10th, Air Madness in Harrisburg will be hosting a Freedom Night! The Freedom PTO has reserved the whole place from 5:30-7:30pm. Please check out the flyer for more information. We hope to see you there!

There will be a 2-Hour Late Start tomorrow, Thursday, January 5th. Buses will run two hours late. No breakfast will be served, and there will be no before school childcare.

Due to the winter storm, there will be no school tomorrow, Wednesday, January 4th. No before or after school childcare will be provided.

Do you have a student athlete in Football and/or want to learn more about the game? HSD Community Ed has a class for you! Join HHS Football Coach Brandon White as he explains the basics of the game, including rules, positions, and terminology. Class begins January 18th. 𝗥𝗘𝗚𝗜𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗦 𝗦𝗢𝗢𝗡! Register at: http://bit.ly/3G9RdH2

Happy New Year! We have just a few open spots open remaining for Community Ed Yoga! Join us as we practice mindful breathing and cultivate physical and mental wellness with stretching and strengthening exercises. Sign up today: https://bit.ly/3jgMs5z

Whether you're an experienced Yogi or wanting to learn, HSD Community Ed has you covered! Join Certified Yoga Instructor Lanelle on Tuesdays beginning January 17th and start 2023 off on the right foot! Register here: https://bityl.co/GJKd

Do you have a student athlete in Football and/or want to learn more about the game? HSD Community Ed has a class for you! Join HHS Football Coach Brandon White as he explains the basics of the game, including rules, positions, and terminology. Class begins January 18th. Register at: http://bit.ly/3G9RdH2

As a result of the dangerously low wind chill temperatures forecast for tomorrow (-40 to -50 below), there will be no school on Thursday, December 22nd. All activities are canceled and there will be no childcare. Our facilities will also be closed on December 23rd. There will be no childcare or activities on the 23rd. HSD wishes all of our families and staff a Merry Christmas!

We dedicate the month of December to coding and computer science. We added a set of 15 Sphero Bolts this year thanks to our generous PTO! Learners programmed the Bolts to move, talk, and even spell on their LED screens. We even had some time to do a little golfing!