📞⚠️We are currently experiencing phone issues. You may have trouble reaching our schools. Our provider is working to resolve the issue.
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Phones down
Want to see what the 5th grade band students at Freedom, Liberty, and Horizon have been working on? Then come to the HHS PAC on December 5 @ 7PM!
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg Fine Arts
Sign-up for the HHS Drama Club Drama Camp for any student in grades 2-8!!! It is a fast and fun day of theatre that ends with a performance for family & friends! For more information/to sign-up: CLICK HERE: https://forms.gle/Pfn1TiJEscbJmXbZ9
over 5 years ago, HHS Drama Club
Due to poor weather conditions, there will be no school tomorrow, Wednesday, November 27th. All activities are cancelled. We wish you safe travels and a Happy Thanksgiving break!
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
A reminder there will be an Early Release on Wednesday, November 27th and No School on November 28th & 29th in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. 🦃🥧🍂🐾🏈🍁
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Thanksgiving Break
Due to the weather forecast for the next couple of days there will be a change to the elementary breakfast menu for Wednesday, November 27th and Friday, December 6th. The menus on the website reflect the changes. 🍊
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Get your tickets NOW for our annual Prairie Christmas performance! With limited seating, you don't want to miss out on this winter tradition.❄️☃️❄️🌲HarrisburgPAC.com
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Prairie Christmas
Here's what's happening around Harrisburg & community this week! https://share.peachjar.com/flyers/874831/schools/150561
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Harrisburg This Week
This week will be our first cold snap of the school year. Please check out a few winter weather reminders. We cannot stress enough the importance of writing your child's name on all their winter gear. Learners don't always know what's theirs and where they put it!
over 5 years ago, Kyle Knips
Winter Weather Reminders
Mrs. Goedtke’s studio has read 103 books as of today!! They surpassed their 100 book goal!! They got to open their mystery box! #wildreaders
over 5 years ago, Freedom - Dr. Pederson
Mystery box
Wild readers!
Check out the latest events and happenings in the Harrisburg Community and District. 🐾https://app.peachjar.com/flyers/862538/schools/34398
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Harrisburg Weekly
Open the gates and seize the day by attending the NMS production of Newsies! Showtimes are November 1 @ 7PM and November 2 @ 2PM and 7PM in the NMS PAC. Tickets: www.harrisburgpac.com.
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg Fine Arts
Cooler temperatures mean that the holidays are nearing- celebrate the holiday season by attending Tiger Nation's Prairie Christmas!!! Enjoy holiday music by the HHS Choir, and do your holiday shopping at the vendor fair. Tickets available starting October 1: www.harrisburgpac.com
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg Fine Arts
PeachJar is now on our App! Looking for a flyer? Choose your school and look for the PeachIJar tab. All your school's active flyers are listed. 🍑🐾
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
PeachJar Link
Don't forget to join us for the BooBash this Friday at South Middle School from 6:30-8pm. 🎃👻
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Boo Bash
A reminder the deadline to submit flyers to PeachJar is noon on Monday. Visit our website for full details. 🍑https://www.harrisburgdistrict41-2.org/o/district/page/peachjar-guidelines-for-submission
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
PeachJar Deadline
What happens with you combine all of your favorite fairy tale characters into 1 story? Get your tickets to the HHS Production of the Tony Award winning musical, Into the Woods to find out. Shows: November 15/16 in the HHS PAC. Tickets: www.harrisburgpac.com. See you at the show!!
over 5 years ago, HHS Drama Club
Extra Extra: Get your tickets to the NMS Musical, Newsies @ www.harrisburgpac.com. Show is November 1 and 2 in the North Middle School Performing Arts Center. See you at the show!
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg Fine Arts
“Starbooks” book tasting in Mrs. Petersen’s Studio! You can’t order a coffee but you can get a good book!! Learners are sampling books from the realistic fiction genre! Some of my favorites are Hatchet and the Box Car Children’s series! Happy reading!!
over 5 years ago, Freedom - Dr. Pederson
Book tasting
Book tasting
Book tasting
Book tasting
A reminder there will be no school October 10th - 14th. Enjoy the long weekend, Tigers! 🐯🚩
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District